_ Seunghee You / Essay
2. <Let’s not fall into the trap of fake things
that seem more real than real>
_ Seunghee You / Essay
3. <The definition of happiness>
_ Seunghee You / Essay
4. <What is love?>
_ Seunghee You / Essay
5. <I want fly _ Robot human ‘Yang’>
_ Seunghee You / Essay
6. <The meanig of cow and star>
_ Seunghee You / Essay
7. <The infinite possibilities of good>
_ Seunghee You / Essay
8. <The accumulated time>
_ Seunghee You / Essay
9. <Somewhere between greatness and vulgarity>
_ Seunghee You / Essay
10. <A beneficial cane>
_ Seunghee You / Essay
11. < Sascha Pohle, Peter Weibel, Kim Yunshin>
_ Seunghee You / Essay
12. < The purity that comes close when one feels one's own malice greatly>
_ Seunghee You / Essay