Placeless Place_Seo Wanho, You Seunghee, Choi Eunji
2023.02.03 - 03.29
Korean Cultural Center Washigton, D.C.
(2370 Massachusetts Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20008)
The Korean Cultural Center Washington, D.C. (KCCDC) proudly presents Placeless Places, a new group exhibition of visual art from Korea that investigates the new ways in which we experience a sense of place—or lack thereof—in a world of ubiquitous remote communication, virtual events, and face-to-screen interactions. These contemporary works by emerging artists Seo Wanho, You Seunghee, and Choi Eunji created post-pandemic update a familiar concept of the 20th century: placelessness.
Based on the idea that a place encompasses a certain human element that mere physical space lacks, Seo, You, and Choi each visualize the human experience when this sense of place is gone. The notion of placelessness, proposed by geographer Edward Relph in the 1970s and reinforced by decades of digitization, globalization, and now a global pandemic, is epitomized by traditional human meeting places like schools, offices, and cultural venues becoming socially distanced—sometimes permanently.
In the end, I wanted to say this.
_ Momo Kim, Ko Whayoung, You Seunghee
2020.07.04 - 08.31
Bucheon Art bunker B39, Electric Cabinet 2nd Floor
((14449) Bucheon Art Bunker B39, Samjak-ro, Bucheon-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea)
You Seung-hee is an artist who recreates various objects that can be easily obtained in everyday life into works, and creates a sense of vitality by injecting visual movement into objects that could have lost meaning. The artist's ultimate goal is to get free healing by imagining art that only the audience can enjoy through the work, away from harsh and complex reality, and the artist's representative works are small and large objects and simple and clean lines of abstract painting. _Preface to Exhibition