Seunghee You


Allegorical images and texts  

   This work is a study on formative experiments using images and texts. I treated my usual work like a 'memo' and tried to unfold the artist's thoughts and images as if talking naturally through this work. So the work began with imaging the collected text. In addition, allegorical images and rhythmic cursive were used to express images such as "serious and goofy" memos that are momentarily written down in everyday life.  The work is largely composed of three categories: "Circuit of Appreciation", "Children's Understanding Method of Picture Book", and "Reading Story Picture: Why Ducks Can't Fly".


<Circuit of Appreciation>, 2024, fabric,sculpture block,acrylic,wood,  size variable

<Circuit of Appreciation>, 2024, fabric,sculpture block,acrylic,wood, size variable

  In this work, images and texts are not separated and hover around each other, inducing viewers to repeat what they see and read between images and texts. Repetition of seeing and reading causes the judgment of intuition and reason simultaneously. Simultaneously responding intuition and reason lead to a complex understanding of images and texts. Just as a child learning a language understands a picture book in a complex way without separating images and texts, this researcher thought that a new meaning could be discovered through a complex understanding that the viewer reaches between images and texts, such as a child's understanding of picture books. Images have an infinite of possibilities for interpretation. On the other hand, when reading a text, the content is limited to associations and own meanings from the text. Therefore, the limited meaning of the text and the characteristics of the infinite interpretation of the image complement each other when combined. In addition, the process of naturally moving between images and texts induces voluntary participation in guessing the meaning. This work finds infinite possibilities in that the metaphorical characteristics of images and the own and clarity of texts undermine each other's ambivalent concepts and trigger creative interpretations.


<Children's Understanding Method of Picture Book>, 2024, c onte,acrylic,wood,fabric on canvas, 165×220cm 

<Reading Story Picture: Why Ducks Can't Fly>, 2024, Acrylic on paper, 30×24cm


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