Seunghee You


House series

Man gain essential energy from basic actions possible because be home, such as eating, washing, sleeping, laziness, and enjoying solitude. Furthermore, the energy becomes the starting point for starting life again. Through the process of dismantling and recombining had seen shapes at home, the accumulation of emotions, thoughts, and actions during staying at home is expressed.

 <Living room table>, 162×130.2cm, acrylic on wood panel, 2019

"Wind coming in from the living room window," "Shaking curtains," "Traces of drinking tea".
The living room table where the everyday life of family.

                                                                                                         <Bath>, 59.5×28×8cm, mixed media, 2019

Isn't it shower time to wash your body with transparent water
when you're freedom in a world that seems to be blocked everywhere?

<Main room>, 113×84×9cm, mixed media, 2019

A room deep in my heart.

<veranda>, 124.5×60×51cm, mixed media, 2019

Today individual walls have become stronger,
We need a veranda that is open without a wall.

                                                                                               <Toilet>, 49×41×30cm, mixed media, 2019


  If there's no time to empty it! Terrible life!

<A piece of wood>, 78.5×44.5cm, mixed media, 2019

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